The Stevens County emergency services
held a multi-agency Tornado disaster response and mitigation exercise on
Saturday in the city of Donnelly just northwest of Morris MN. The
exercise was well attended by over 130 participants and volunteers who
put their skills to action in a real world scenario of a EF-3 tornado
forming west of the town of Donnelly and tracking Northeastward through
the towns northern and central quadrants damaging over 85% of the town
and presenting multiple issues and challenges to the first responders
and personnel who were first on the scene of this mock drill event.
exercise was attended by many agencies including local,county,state and
federal entities.
Nick and I also participated in the exercise and gave a
opening severe weather spotter overview as well as a talk on the real
world and mental aspects that those first on the scene of severe tornado
damage may encounter.
Nick showing some recent storm photos of tornadic storms we have shot from the last few weeks.
A large crowd at the Donnelly City Hall with many of the real world scenario volunteers painted up and dirt and mud covered ready for the event to begin.
Local Stevens County First responders and Fire Fighters tend to the needs of tornado victims during the drill in Donnelly.
A injured citizen being cared for by Stevens counties finest responders including our friend, Justin Howe.
Morris fire rig on state HWY 9 in Donnelly staging at the AG CO-OP as
in a scenario of a HAZ-MAT chemical leak or release caused by the
tornado in the damage track.
Emergency responders taking things seriously in a real world tornado disaster drill exercise.
American Red Cross on the scene as well as the Stevens county mobile emergency communications and disaster response trailer at the command and control point outside of town.
Stevens County Sheriff's Office Mobile command center trailer in full use.
Stevens County ambulance service on the scene at the Temporary triage check point on the outside of the damage track.
A roll playing victim lay in the side of the street in Donnelly with a severe neck laceration and broken bones caused by the EF-3 tornado.
The Command Trailer.